Julia DeGraw is an Oregon native passionate about our food and agriculture system and a lover of food. As the Northwest Organizer for Food & Water Watch she feels that film and other forms of media can be a powerful tool for changing hearts and minds of people to make a positive change in the world and that’s why she was drawn to the Media Project
Jan Zuckerman is a long time educator who co-founded the Sunnyside Environmental School. Since retiring she has continued to work with youth and agitate for climate justice. She works with the Braided River Campaign and Cedar Action and has been a mentor to the Portland Youth Climate Council.
Jahmal Landers is a father and artist and second generation Portlander. He is currently working as an Art Director at Wieden and Kennedy.
Bonnie McKinlay currently works with Cedar Action and Rumble on the River to make the world a better place. “From classroom teaching to holding up a section of the Thin Green Line. They keep thinking up ways to wreck our natural world. I love working with my friends to stop them.”